Thursday, 2 December 2010

Forthcoming Dates for 2011

New Year Social – Bring & Share
Thursday 27 January

Training Sessions

Wednesday 9 March 19.30
To cover:
Awareness of other water users

Wednesday  23 March 19.30
To cover:
Capsize Recovery Theory
More ropework/recap

Wednesday 6 April (Autism) 19.30
Practical training – Saturday 9 April 09.30

Preseason Social – Cheese & nibbles Thursday 31st March 19.30

Start of Sailability – Thursday 14 April 18.00-20.00

Challenger Open – Friday 6 & Saturday 7 May

BSC/BSTC/Sailability Open Day – Saturday 14 May

Access Open – Wednesday 1 June

Sailability Funday & Barbecue – Saturday 6 August

Last Sailability 2010 – Thursday 1st September

RNLI/Sailability Challenge – Sunday 2 October

End of season social Bring & Share – Thursday 13 October 19.30

Sailability dinner – Saturday 12 or 26 November tbc

Latest Newsletter

You can now view the latest newsletter online by clicking here.  You can also see a summary of some of the news below.

Review of 2010 by Charles Benham

Thursday Evenings 

It is pleasing to report that the number of members increased again this year with a total of 64 individuals going afloat.  This was matched by an increase in the number of our own helpers with some welcome new faces providing much appreciated assistance.  We were very pleased to welcome Ian Smith as an additional Senior Instructor to relieve the pressure on Ivor.  In addition to our own helpers, members were accompanied by some 92 carers, helpers or parents many of whom also went afloat.
We have had use of the Cheverton Champ motor boat for a number of years providing a boating experience for those not wishing to sail.  Sadly this is no longer available which has reduced our options although the BSC Committee boat has been available as a partial substitute.  Following the attempted theft of the outboard, the Pioner powerboat was also unavailable for the last two weeks of the year forcing us to cancel sessions for our wheelchair users.
The Challengers have been much in demand this year and we are grateful to Tony Lawton for use of his boat when not needed by him.


We again hosted very successful open meetings for the Access and Challenger Associations.  The number of entries for the Access meeting at 29 was apparently a record and there were some 15 wheelchair users which kept the hoisting team busy.  The racing at both meetings was close and the weather good.  Our thanks to all the helpers who were able to attend and our Race Officer team who do such sterling work. Tony Lawton and David Vickery have again flown the flag for Burghfield at Challenger meetings ably supported by the Burghfield Boys (and increasingly girls) who are in demand as travelling helpers. 

Social Activities

Our usual range of socials were well attended giving an opportunity to mix.  Jackie Clark again. organised a very successful dinner in the clubhouse.


The Berkshire Sail Training Centre moved into the new building last winter and the main club has agreed that we can use the main classroom and kitchen of the old school building on a shared basis.  It is hoped that when the other room used by the school is vacated it may become available for the storage of buoyancy aids etc currently stored in the tin shed.

The exterior woodwork and doors were in a very poor state and our thanks go to the Club and especially Peter Colvin and Ivor for carrying out repairs.  In the summer we were approached by Deloitte who offered a group of volunteers to carry out some work for us.  It was decided to ask them to decorate the inside of the building which as a result is a much brighter place.

In future the Committee will be awarding an annual shield donated by Charles Benham to the most improved sailor.  This year it was awarded to Dani Morris and was presented at the annual dinner.  Our congratulations to Dani.

Financial support

I would like to acknowledge financial support in cash from numerous individuals and organizations.  These have included club members, the RYA, Waitrose, Deloitte, Hutcheon Examination Services Ltd and Burghfield Sailing Club.

2011 – the forthcoming year

Sailing programme

We will again be running 21 sessions commencing on Thursday 14th April and finishing on Thursday 1st September.

Training programme

It is planned to hold four training sessions.  Two will cover the theory aspects of the Level 1 RYA dinghy certificate Wednesday 9th March and Wednesday 23rd March (19.30 – 21.30).  These are aimed at all our members and helpers.  I hope as many of you as possible can attend.  The theory sessions will be followed by a practical session on Saturday 9th April starting at 09.30.  This will give people a change to put theory into practice and for those not attending the theory sessions time to blow away some of the winter cobwebs. 
Karen Mehta from Konnections has agreed to give a talk on Understanding Autism.  She will also touch on the practical aspects of epilepsy.

A note from Charles

On a personal note, I have been Chairman for 10 years and it is time to hand over the tiller.  Andy Palmer-Felgate has agreed to take over and we will act jointly for this year.  I am sure everyone will continue to provide him with the support and help that I have received.

Joy and I were overwhelmed by the presents we received at the dinner.  The vase and clock already have pride of place.  We would like to thank everyone for their generosity and good wishes.  

As you may know I was recently honoured to receive an RYA Award for Volunteers.  It was presented to me and 43 others on 18th November.  Although this has my name on it I believe it is in recognition of what the whole Group has achieved over the last decade.  We should be very proud as I know I am.  Finally, although I am giving up as Chairman, Joy and I will still be helping on Thursdays (volunteers for tea duty gratefully received) and we look forward to seeing you at the New Year Social.

And a note from Ivor . .
who wishes to thank everyone for the watch which was presented to him at the Dinner Dance